Understanding Ozempic Face

Weight loss, especially when substantial, can bring about a series of transformations in the body. Some welcomed, and some not so much. While losing excess weight is beneficial for overall health and well-being, it's important to recognize that the face is not immune to these changes. "Ozempic Face" primarily refers to the loss of subcutaneous facial fat that can occur as a result of significant weight loss.

Using Ozempic Face as a “check engine” light

We all want to lose our extra body fat and be at our goal weight forever, right? For some, this involves losing 20% of their body weight. Even with Ozempic, this is a marathon, not a sprint; well, let's call it a 10k with Semglutide as our partner. Ozempic Face is another reminder why it can be very important to incrementally lose weight at a healthy pace. This will allow your body to make adjustments along the way. Not just your skin, but your joints will also thank you for taking your time. So, if you are on your weight loss journey and start to notice the hollowed features coming in more and more every day, this might just mean it’s time to check in with your doctor and discuss sustainable plans for your future. Like the old African proverb says, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Embracing your new body

Body positivity cuts both ways, doesn’t it? Whether it's hair, acne, or fat, we inherently understand that our face is usually representative of the rest of our body. It's just hard to manage expectations when our bodies are changing as fast as they do while taking a medication like Ozempic. While "Ozempic Face" may be a popular buzzword on social media nowadays, we are here to reassure you that it is not a side effect or adverse reaction to your medication. "Ozempic Face" is how people are getting clicks off of what is inherently a good thing. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but positive reinforcement does not sell. 

As always, meet with your doctor

If you're considering or undergoing treatment with Ozempic and are concerned about potential changes in your facial appearance, it's crucial to have an open and honest conversation with your healthcare provider. They can provide insights based on your individual health profile.

Derek Maloney, MD

TeleFitMD Provider